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Recent Movie Reviews

3 Movie Reviews

so funny. i love the humor and the way the subtitles are being played with sometimes lol

i 100%ed this game a few months ago, and must say i found it very worth it. you unlock new characters to play as with their own upsides and downsides as you discover new achievements, status effects are visible on your character always, and the challenges are definitely, well, challenging! the music is amazing, i still get it stuck in my head to this day, and, obviously, the game is very much inspired by junji ito's work, which i think was translated excellently. i'd recommend this game to anyone who likes point&click games and or survival games!
just be careful not to attract something truly terrible...

this is the first video i see after creating a newgrounds account for the first time in my life (originally created because of my current old newgrounds culture fixation). i absolutely live for this aesthetic, i love the characters, their designs, and the way they interact with eachother. it's beyond charming. and the story is like a morning cartoon i would watch groggily as my mom braided my hair for school.

Recent Game Reviews

2 Game Reviews

oozing with passion. i love the music and the main character's design. although im not all too great with bullet hells of this difficulty... barely got past the first boss with 5% hp left lol. but i enjoyed it quite a lot!

june 6 edit: quite a short while after playing this demo, i bought and 100%ed the game on steam. i cannot recommend this game enough. if you like this demo, BUY THE GAME!! its so cool!! the boss designs are amazing, and while the story segments are short and leave quite a bit to the imagination sometimes, it only leaves room for theorizing and headcanoning. again cannot recommend this game enough. buy it buy it buy it

awesome puzzle game!! i love the twist on nene's mechanics as it's not something one would expect from nene. the art style is charming, the music is very nice, and the animations are awesome. the puzzles themselves are nice, although i don't have much to compare them to personally.

Recent Art Reviews

1 Art Review

whimsical and jolly

hello :) i like art, animation, madness combat picos school and 2000s nostalgia in general.

Age 18, man he/him

Joined on 5/15/24

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20 / 50
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> 100,000
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1.98 votes
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> 100,000
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